Jewellery initiation techniques II

220,00 €
Sold Out

March 16 to April 27, 2024 (except 30th March)
Saturdays 14:30-18:30
24 hours total

About this workshop:
This workshop is complementary to the Jewellery inititation techniques I workshop, through the creation of two original silver pieces.
Provides consolidation of fundamental jewelry techniques such as sawing, filing and welding metals.
If you don´t have any experience you can reserve a place on both Jewellery inititation techniques I (class 3) and II (this one), both taking place between march 16 and april 27.

Acquire complementary technical skills, by making two pieces of jewelry.

Who is it for
Anyone with a mastery of sawing and welding techniques who wish to consolidate their knowledge.

Practical exercises

  • Project and production of 2 jewellery pieces.

Mín./máx. students: 6/8

For students with at least 80% of sessions attendance.

Price includes insurance and materials.
VAT free course.
Participant keeps the pieces produced.

If you have any questions before booking call (+351) 213 929 673 or email

Reserve a place
Jewellery initiation tecnhiques I
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